Tuesday, 18 September 2012

What the wooz news!

Bonjour my friends! Well yesterday I forgot to post what Mya talked about on What the wooz?! So here is the news!
To start the show off Mya talked about One Direction's new single coming out in October! Well I'm not a directioner but if you are their new single is coming out in October! Also Mya said she likes Harry the best haha xD

For all you American people out there (not me). American Idol is starting soon so be sure to watch it!

There were these random 2 girls who are called Gracie and Ellen or something like that. I didn't know what this was about so umm yeah! All I did read was that they interviewed Katy Perry and always wear those pink dresses. So if you know who these girls are Mya talked about them xD

For all you gleeks, if there is any (Not me at all xD). Series 4 is coming out soon. Also Mya asked who is your favourite? I said Brooke, there isn't even a Brooke is there? xD

So as you all know there is a dude named Jacob Lattimore. And he is like the new woozen of the week. I only realized he existed due to Woozworld xD

Also Carly Rae Jepsens new album, Kiss. Came out TODAY! I'm not getting it for my birthday seeing as I'm already getting The Script ;)

Justin Bieber has albums, movies and now a book. Wow oh wow. Are you gonna buy it? I know one thing, I'm not :)

Hahaha gangnam style! Well the woozband loves this according to Mya. I asked Mya to add a movez of the horsey thing he does but she didn't listen even though I said it OVER AND OVER AGAIN! :(

To close the show Mya down a little Celebrity quiz. The face of this dude was all jumbled up and you had to guess who it was. The winner would get a friend request from Mya. As Mya has already added me there was no point in me participating but i still did xD

Also Mya took a picture which is on her wallz. I am the one in purple that is going :D Hehe xD

I hope this helped your knowledge!

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